鋼琴教學, 露比鋼琴演奏頻道, 音樂/戲劇/演藝, 音樂相關文章

【音樂頻道分享】露比鋼琴頻道收聽 — 日本動漫《約定的夢幻島主題曲 》 約定的夢幻島 伊莎貝拉的搖籃曲-Isabella’s Lullaby 鋼琴演奏 日本動畫 聽露比彈鋼琴 Piano Cover 鋼琴演奏版

這首日本動漫 《約定的夢幻島主題曲 》 伊莎貝拉的搖籃曲-Isabella’s Lullaby ,很早之前我已經跟女兒一起全部看完了!



但裡面的音樂 伊莎貝拉的搖籃曲-Isabella’s Lullaby,聽過一次就會愛上,

憂愁的氛圍,三拍子的曲子,從緩慢的步伐,一直到後面漸漸明朗的樂段 ,


This Promised Neverland is from Japanese anime, I have watched all of it! Although there is a bit of blood, it is indeed a good-looking cartoon, with human exploration, adventure and team spirit If children watch it, it is better to be accompanied by an adult! But the music in it, you will fall in love with it once you hear it A melancholy atmosphere, a three-time piece, from the slow pace to the gradually clearer passage In the ending chord, Ruby deliberately changed the voice of a junior. I prefer the ending of this happy story.

收聽YT頻道 ,記得按追蹤唷!


露比 古典及流行爵士鋼琴教師/高雄千弦音樂教室 負責人/愛麗絲爵士樂團 團長/

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露比比的官方LINE@ https://lin.ee/QafReVE

露比比的E-Mail 電子信箱 rubiepop84@gmail.com

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